Saturday, January 23, 2010

Life Should Be a Musical

I often say, "Life should be a musical."  Think about it...Can you really be unhappy around someone who sings everything?  Now, I know.  Not everyone can sing.  Keep in mind that the chance of life actually being a musical is need to worry about the nonexistent world being filled with screeching singers.
There are days when songs pop into my mind as a response to a comment or situation.  Yesterday I was talking with someone about people not getting along and the tension it creates.  I decided to try out the whole burst out with the song that comes to mind.  I sang a little bit of that song...ummm...well I don't know the name of it, but there's a part that says, "people are people so why should it be..." that I remember, so I sang that and added in some jerking twitching type dance moves.  We laughed.  That's almost as good as life actually being a musical.

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